How Well Do I Really Know Myself?

It’s been sheer madness for the last several weeks. Kids’ activities. Full plate at work. Not enough hours in the day. Not even close. But, no complaints. I wouldn’t change a thing. Everyone’s healthy. Everyone’s happy. Business is good. Who am I kidding? Of course I’d change a thing. I’d change a few things. Before […]

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Eight Months and (Not) Counting

I’ve been so busy working and parenting and marriage-ing the past few weeks, I haven’t been inspired to make time for my blog or social media. I think about it all the time, but I continually fail to carve out time to dedicate to writing, finding new quotes and words of wisdom to share, reading […]

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‘Twas The Night Before The First Day Of School

‘Twas the night before the first day of school and all through the house, the only sounds were crickets heard through the open windows because the humidity finally broke and we could turn off the AC that’s loud enough to scare a mouse (whew!). The backpacks were stuffed to the gills with mandatory school supplies. […]

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Holy Communion Wine, Batman!

I was raised in the Episcopal church – baptized and confirmed. But not married. More on that in a bit. I used to love going to church as a kid. In fact, I frequently joined my parents for weekly Sunday services as an adult before getting married. Christmas Eve has always been my favorite. But, […]

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How Losing the Booze Can Help Numb the Pain

Pain, according to Merriam-Webster: The physical feeling caused by disease, injury, or something that hurts the body Mental or emotional suffering Sadness caused by some emotional or mental problem Someone or something that causes trouble or makes you feel annoyed or angry I used to drink to deal with pain. All kinds of pain. Physical. […]

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