Facebook’s “On This Day” feature has been slaying me lately – so many great reminders of times with family and friends, funny things the kids said back when their voices were tiny and cute, and sad memories of tragic events. While unrelated to death or devastation, today’s post from six years ago has really jolted […]
Mom, Do You Have Alcoholism?
Last night on the way to hockey practice, my son dropped a bomb. We hadn’t even pulled out of the driveway yet. “Mom, today in health class, we talked about alcoholism,” he said. My son is 12 years old and in seventh grade. I had been wondering when this might come up. Was I ready? […]
When Life Hands You A Walk, Take It
Life has been an emotional roller coaster lately. For the past two months at least. One thing after another. Just when I think the chaos and conflict is over, it starts again. Just when I start to breathe, the choking feeling returns. My problems are no more important than anyone else’s. In fact, they’re nowhere […]
The Air Was Right Here The Whole Time
Ever since I can remember, I have sought out special places I can retreat to when I need to find peace. Those places have always be associated with water. The saltier the better. In early sobriety, those places became exponentially more important to me. Without booze as my “come up for air at the end […]
You’re Never Too Old To Fear The Principal
I completely shocked myself this morning. While I have become increasingly vocal in sobriety, my voice still lives mostly in my writing. Unless, of course, I’m barking orders at my family. Or presenting strategy to clients. In groups of other parents, I tend to sponge up what everyone is saying, bite my tongue if I […]
How Fuzzy Memories Can Be the Most Difficult to Forget
It’s strange how memory works. Mine isn’t very good these days. Sometimes I seriously wonder if I should start talking with a doctor to find out if I have early onset Alzheimer’s. I’m not kidding. I lost both grandmothers to the horrible disease, and my short term recall has been truly abysmal lately; I can […]
Beer in One Hand, Panic Button in the Other
I’m going to put some ugly stuff on here tonight because it’s still fresh and sometimes I think I make my recovery look too pretty. It’s not. Just so you know. But it’s mine. Recovery can be such a roller coaster. Even as I approach 600 days (sometimes I have to count – just to […]
All the Success in the World, Yet I Failed
I’ve said all along, I don’t blame them for my alcoholism. Yet, by continuing to hold their drinking against them, I’m not getting anywhere. They drink. Every day. Beginning at lunch. And, by bedtime, often to excess. I honestly don’t know how she doesn’t start earlier in the day. Just to stop the shaking. The […]
For My Daughter on Her First Double Digit Birthday
My baby girl is 10 years old today. My sobriety is 18 months strong today. A year ago, I started to think about how I will always share this special day with my daughter. Every year, as we celebrate another year of her life, I will quietly rejoice in another six months of sobriety. Every […]