How Well Do I Really Know Myself?

It’s been sheer madness for the last several weeks. Kids’ activities. Full plate at work. Not enough hours in the day. Not even close. But, no complaints. I wouldn’t change a thing. Everyone’s healthy. Everyone’s happy. Business is good. Who am I kidding? Of course I’d change a thing. I’d change a few things. Before […]

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Holy Communion Wine, Batman!

I was raised in the Episcopal church – baptized and confirmed. But not married. More on that in a bit. I used to love going to church as a kid. In fact, I frequently joined my parents for weekly Sunday services as an adult before getting married. Christmas Eve has always been my favorite. But, […]

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How Losing the Booze Can Help Numb the Pain

Pain, according to Merriam-Webster: The physical feeling caused by disease, injury, or something that hurts the body Mental or emotional suffering Sadness caused by some emotional or mental problem Someone or something that causes trouble or makes you feel annoyed or angry I used to drink to deal with pain. All kinds of pain. Physical. […]

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Only The Good Die Young

My favorite uncle died Friday morning. It’s Monday evening and I still haven’t had a drink. I have to remind myself constantly why I shouldn’t. Because the pain is too great. The sadness is too overwhelming. And, I need to make it go away. I want to feel numb. But, I am not going to […]

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How I Was A Total Clucking Chicken

I’m a chicken. A total clucking chicken. Last week, I finally spoke with my daughter’s music teacher (note: if you haven’t It Takes One To Know One yet, start there). We’d been playing phone tag for a week and we finally connected. That morning before school, my daughter and I were talking over breakfast and […]

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