My favorite uncle died Friday morning. It’s Monday evening and I still haven’t had a drink. I have to remind myself constantly why I shouldn’t. Because the pain is too great. The sadness is too overwhelming. And, I need to make it go away. I want to feel numb. But, I am not going to […]
Celebrating and Mourning: The Anniversary That Wasn’t
This was my conversation with my husband last night after we got the kids to bed: Me: Hmmm. Maybe I will eat the rest of that pizza. It seems like a good way to celebrate. Husband (letting what I said register for a moment while staring at the television, then turning to me): Celebrate what? […]
How I Was A Total Clucking Chicken
I’m a chicken. A total clucking chicken. Last week, I finally spoke with my daughter’s music teacher (note: if you haven’t It Takes One To Know One yet, start there). We’d been playing phone tag for a week and we finally connected. That morning before school, my daughter and I were talking over breakfast and […]
Because It’s All About That Glass
The warmer weather and thoughts of summer here in the northeast have got me craving my former go-to beverages. Though I was fiercely loyal and dedicated to my red wine in the evenings and when we’d go out to eat, ice cold beer was always my summer fling, a new flavor every week right out […]
It Takes One To Know One
At my eight-year-old daughter’s voice recital a few weeks ago, her teacher had a Diet Pepsi. In a bottle. Except the color of the liquid inside was too light to be Diet Pepsi. I should know. I’ve been addicted to Diet Pepsi for years. It goes great with Milk Duds on road trips. Or with […]
One Way Sobriety Made Me A Better Mom
Yesterday after school, my 11-year-old son had an accident with his bicycle in our driveway. A bad one. Requiring a trip to the ER for stitches. The nurse I spoke with on the phone at our pediatrician’s office actually encouraged us to dial 911 for an ambulance because my son was exhibiting signs of shock. […]
When Sobriety Is Not Enough
Yesterday, I reached two months of sobriety since my relapse. I made a mental note of the date, but there was no conscious celebration, unless you count the pint of Ben & Jerry’s I ate while watching House of Cards with my husband after the kiddos went to bed. At the time, I didn’t even think about […]
Fake Name, Real Person
Sunday night, a woman on Facebook questioned how anyone can benefit from what I share because I am using a fake name. I was just about to turn in for the night. But this bothered me. More than I care to admit. So, I guess I just admitted it. And I sat up another two […]
Motivation vs. Inspiration
Motivation. Inspiration. Different words. Same meaning. Right? Wrong. They can be used interchangeably – check any thesaurus and you will find inspiration is a recommended substitution for motivation and vice versa – and are meant to convey that someone is somehow stimulated or has an incentive to do something. But, consult a dictionary and it […]