A couple of weeks ago, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed on my iPad as I do each morning with my cup of coffee before I truly jump into my day and … WHAM. This was the post by Conscious Magazine: Wait. What? Limitations?! Living one day at a time is how I create […]
That Green Beer (And Other Drinks I’ll Never Try)
Drinking a green beer on St. Paddy’s Day has always been on my bucket list. I can’t believe I’ve never had one. It’s kind of strange that I haven’t. I’m almost 44 years old. I’m 75% Irish (or something like that). I love beer. I’m truly baffled. But, I’m sober now, so it’s just not […]
A New View Of An Old Drunk
I’m stewing heartbroken in a hotel room this morning. My son is off playing knee hockey with his teammates. And my husband has taken our daughter to swim in the hotel pool. I am sitting in bed with a wonderful large hot coffee my husband brought me back from breakfast because the sore throat I have […]
All For One and One For All, Right?
As alcoholics, we’re all in this recovery thing together, right? When we enter into battle each day and staying sober is the only way to emerge victorious in the war against booze, we’re all on the same team, right? Maybe not. Seems to depend upon the weapons you use. Perhaps I am crazy, but I […]
My Relapse: The Time Failure Masqueraded as Victory
On Christmas Eve, I threw away seven months of sobriety. Actually, I was one day shy of seven months. The most difficult almost seven months of my life. In that moment, I felt the need to let go of a lot. I was keenly aware that I had a whole new box of tools for […]
Alcoholic + Winery = [???]
Thank goodness for the outlet of this blog today. I’ve been stewing over something for several weeks and really needed to stop, take a breath, and feel some emotions. I’ve put it off long enough, and tomorrow will be too late. In the morning, I am traveling four hours to a special event involving one […]
Sorry, Not Sorry: 5 Apologies I Won’t Make
Part of recovery is apologizing, or making amends. I have always assumed this but, actually, for the first time ever, I just Googled Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Steps and found that Making Amends is Step Nine. It’s about saying sorry to those I have hurt by things I’ve said or done. (Or so I thought, until […]
Ready Or Not, Here I Come
My life as an alcoholic has been the ultimate game of hide and seek, mostly with myself. And, my hiding has prevented me from finding nearly everything I’ve been seeking in life, mostly true happiness. Several hours after I passed out from my final drinking binge, I sat up in bed wide awake in the […]
Come for an AA Meeting & Stay for Happy Hour
Starbucks. Wow. I wasn’t really a fan to begin with, aside from an annual white chocolate mocha and an occasional iced passion tea when I’m too lazy to brew it at home. But, come on! Adding alcohol to the menu? Apparently, this is a bit of an old story and I’m late to the party […]