In addition to the writing I do here on the blog, I am a contributor to the TODAY Show’s parenting community. The incredible editors issue regular “Challenges,” topics about which contributors are invited to write and share their experiences as parents. The most recent challenge was “Life Changes” focusing on how life changed when we […]
The Most Powerful Defense is a More Valid Offense
Three weeks ago, I wasn’t sure I’d survive the craziness of my upcoming week. But I did. Not only did I survive, but I passed with flying colors. There were so many tests, not only those I had prepared for but also a whole host of others I never even saw coming. As I emerged […]
Sometimes the Best Inspiration Comes from Within
I’ve been thinking a lot about inspiration today. Mostly because the #RecoveryPhotoADay Challenge asked me to. And, I am a little bit surprised about where my head and my heart have gone. Last year, on Day 6 of this challenge, I was one month and two days sober following my relapse. I posted one of […]
How Fear Can Sustain Weakness or Empower Courage
I’m exploring fear right now. Mostly because I’m fairly certain it’s what’s consuming and overwhelming me as I prepare to tackle a huge goal next week. But also because I haven’t fully examined my relationship with fear – the role it played in my life as a drinker and how it influences the decisions I […]
How an Ugly Night Gave Birth to a Beautiful Life
Monday marked an anniversary I haven’t thought about in a while. On March 21, 2014, I woke up after a night of drinking from which I thought I’d never mentally recover. More embarrassing than any other. Ever. Ever, ever, ever. Well, as much as I can recall anyway. “I drank my face off,” was what I […]
Where The Hell Is The Glass Of Milk Emoji?
All right. I am going to get all serious and soap boxy, and boldly go where I’ve not gone before. At least publicly. Those who live in my house will tell you I have some pretty strong opinions. But, I typically allow my teeth to pierce my tongue before mustering the bravery to open my […]
The Time A Huge Glitch Turned Into Beautiful Blessing
Something interesting has happened in the week since my first Soberthday, and I have to share. If you’re newly sober and still worried about how people will react when they find out, this post is for you. It’s a quick one and I haven’t word-smithed it, so please excuse the writing … I inadvertently outed […]
Having My Cake And Eating It Too, One Year At A Time
One year ago last night, at the bottom of a bottle of red wine, I discovered the beginning of my recovery from alcohol addiction. After seven months of sobriety, I had spent the past six weeks trying to drink normally. It wasn’t working. It didn’t matter how hard I tried. Reintroducing beer and wine to […]
Hello, Lurkers? Are You There?
Last week, a dear friend asked me if I might ever consider letting my blog readers post comments anonymously. There I was. The girl who didn’t even use her real name for the first seven months of her blogging life. “Well, duh,” I thought. “Of course I would.” The required fields on my comment form aren’t […]